Weekly Gratitude

Gratitude: Week 1

After doing some digging and finding some awesome blogs from WordPress I stumbled upon From the Fringe who had an amazing post about why they loved writing so much. Not only did they inspire me to really pursue my love for writing, they also have a weekly gratitude post. I instantly feel in love with the idea and had to do one myself.

Since this is my first week of what I am grateful for it is a little more broad that what it will be in the future. I am really looking forward to doing more of these and hope you enjoy!

1. My Husband

I honestly feel like there really is such a thing as soulmates! And my husband is mine. I could write about him for hours and probably put everyone to sleep reading this so I’ll try to keep it short. If you haven’t seen the wedding episode on Parks and Recreation, Leslie Knope married Ben Wyatt and during the ceremony she said that her vows clocked in at about 70 pages. I am a total Leslie Knope when it comes to my husband. Last week he sent me flowers to work with a simple note that said “I love you beautiful – Your Husband” and although he might not write a full paragraph like I would, I know that that simple sentence has so much love behind it. He knew I was having a rough week and he really stepped up to try and make it better. When people ask me how married life is going, I put a huge smile on my face and say “marriage looks good on me.” Although we have only been married for just under 2 months, I still feel like I am glowing just as much as I was on our wedding day.

2. Thursday’s

I am a busy woman when Thursday rolls around and I love every second of it! My best friend and I have decided that every Thursday we would go out for happy hour and get a couple drinks to vent about the week or to just have some good company. I’ve known her for only 3 years but it feels like she grew up with me. Being able to drink a long island and just vent about the week is the best therapy I could ever ask for. My husband and I have also joined a bowling league that meet up every other Thursday. My aunt and uncle, who I am very close with, decided to get a good group of people together to go bowling! It’s kind of a big deal (hehe). We have such a great time and I am so happy my game has improved over the last couple weeks! Being able to see my best friend every week and my aunt and uncle every other week has really made my life feel complete. I am so thankful for them and couldn’t imagine my life without them.

3. Courage

I think I am finally comfortable with being a little more out in the open to pursue what I love to do most. Write! I used to have a personal blog a couple years back but I think I was a little too personal talking about complications in my personal life and treating it like a journal. I tend to do some similar posts here but not as detailed. I do need to keep my life a little private and understand that oversharing isn’t always the best way to go. So as of now I am finally feeling some courage to get out there, work on getting better at doing what I love and pursuing my dreams.

4. Sushi and Crime Fighting

On Monday’s we have $5 movie nights at our local theater. We love to go see the latest releases without having to spend the big bucks! Beforehand we go out to eat to get sushi which is also half off on Mondays. This week we saw Wolverine and although he is Marvel I do love a good Hugh Jackman movie. I cried at the end (don’t worry I won’t give any spoilers) but all in all I enjoyed it. My husband is a big Marvel fan where I myself prefer DC so it is always an interesting car ride home after the movies as we talk about what we liked and disliked. My husband likes to dissect DC movies a little more than his Marvel movies but don’t worry I do the same to him (hehe). Next week we are going to see Beauty and the Beast!

5. Batman

I look around my desk at work and see Batman everywhere. I have a tumbler, flash drive and headphones that all have the Batman yellow and black logo on them. At home I have almost every Funko Pop version of him and a Build a bear. I have all the movies and shows on Bluray and of course a big fuzzy blanket to use while watching them while I cuddle with my bear. I have loved him since I was a in grade school! After getting off the bus I would walk in and instantly put on the TV because Batman: The Animated Series would be on. My dad would even watch it with me. After glued to the TV for 30 minutes I would then move on to doing homework. For Christmas 2016 my mom and dad got me Batman footie pajamas with a cape and a hood that had bat ears! Needless to say, I wore it on the morning of my wedding to get ready in! You can see it in my About Me page! Such great memories and I am so thankful to the DC Universe for creating such an amazing character that I have fallen in love with.

6 thoughts on “Gratitude: Week 1

  1. Thanks so much for the shoutout; I’m delighted you decided to take on these gratitude posts! They’re so much fun to do and I love reading them too. Congratulations on being a newlywed and I totally agree about soulmates! Also, I LOVE Ben and Leslie haha. They are adorable. It’s really lovely to read that you’re pursuing something that you’re excited about in starting this blog and I look forward to keeping up with your progress! 🙂

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